"Orange Architecture - Arancione" po premierze w Mediolanie / Fresh from the premiere in Milan - "Orange Architecture - Arancione"







Świeżo z premiery w Mediolanie "Orange Architecture - Arancione" z esejami na temat koloru w architekturze, które napisali Roberta Busnelli, Oskar Grąbczewski i Alberico Crosetta. Wśród autorów realizacji m.in. Frank Gehry, Christo, UN Studio, Shigeru Ban, Manuelle Gautrand, Neutelings Riedijk, Jakob McFarlane, 5+1 AA Studio, Tham & Videgard. W tym zacnym gronie bardzo cieszy nas obecność naszego budynku - Muzeum Ognia w Żorach. Do nabycia w dobrych księgarniach...Ciekawej lektury! 

Fresh from the premiere in Milan "Orange Architecture - Arancione" with essays on the color in architecture, written by Roberta Busnelli, Oskar Grąbczewski and Alberico Crosetta. Among the authors of the buildings Frank Gehry, Christo, UN Studio, Shigeru Ban, Manuelle Gautrand, Neutelings Riedijk, Jakob McFarlane, 5 + 1 AA Studio, Tham & Videgard. In this noble group we are very happy with the presence of our building - the Museum of Fire in Żory. Available in good bookstores ... Enjoy reading!